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Economy - Jobs - Tourism

  • Primary sector: It is about the communal parts of the municipality. The biggest part (45%) of the economic active population is employed in this section. Agriculture includes intensive cultivation of vegetables, olives, potatoes, vineyard, cereals, corn etc. The cattle's raising is about a great number of sheep and goa.

  • Secondary sector: It is activated mostly in the capital of the municipality and employs the 8% of the economically active population (about 550 employees). The biggest part of this section is employed at personal companies (traders, craftsmen). Specifically about 240 companies have been recorded, while 7 of them are involved with alteration of agriculture products. More than the half of the companies are operated like shopping stores, while the handcrafts companies are enough too.(they make up the 27% of the business in this section).

  • Ternary sector: The employment is important at the section of service supply and tourism. There are 7 hotels, 2 rooms to be rented and 2 camping areas. In detail:

    • Hotels: Dymi, Andrikopoulos N., Achaia, Achaios, Niforeika Beach, White Castle, Pavlina, Taradella, Castella.

    • Rooms: Papadopoulos-Andrikopoulos.

    • Camping: Kato Alissos.

This page was last updated on: July 19 2004.
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