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In the sport section there are: a national stadium with a football field and track of 400m and a closed gym in the capital of the municipality. Three football fields are operated in the rest communal departments. Especially, about mechanic athletics in Petrochori, there is a private earthen track, where pan Hellenic Moto-Cross races are acted out.


The municipality of Dymi and its Athletic Centre of our in co-operation the Hellenic Conference. Triathlon organizes successful races of triathlon, the last years. The races are acted out during the summer months around Greece. Triathlon includes 3 kinds of races, which take place apart from the track. These are: swimming, cycling, running.

The night before the holding of the race, a special party is organized, which is called Pasta Party. The athletes consume quantities of pasta and generally food, which is rich in amylum. This is to confirm their strengths for the race of the next day.

The events start from the beach of K.Achaia. About 60 athletes start with swimming (750m), continue with cycling (20km) and finish with running (5km) at the square of Democracy opposite the town hall. The awards are assigned to the athletes there, with the presence of the Communal Authorities and many people. At the same night, there is a reception in honour of the athletes and organizers.

The next day, the athletes leave in order to take part in other races.


Time after time, the municipality of Dymi organizes cycling races. The Athletic Centre of Dymi and the Cycling Club of Patras organized the 26th International Cycling Round "SACRIFICE" on March 24, 2003. It had a great success.

The starting of the race was at 9:30 a.m. in front of the town hall. The distance, which was followed, was:

K.Achaia- Agiovlasitika-A.Achaia-Eleochori-Arla-Industrial Area of Patras-Theriano-Kaminia-K.Alissos-K.Achaia

The finishing of the race, which is a total distance of 120km, was in front of the town hall and after that the award o the prizes to the winners took place. They were in order of finishing: Anastasopoulos Bill, Tamouridis John, Ninos George and the German athlete Vanhout.

This page was last updated on: July 19 2004.
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